Bug Davidson

Short description of artist


Bug Davidson is a visual artist and film director interested in communicating through visual language intersections of media & representation, social corporeal choreography, acousmata & action, and the enchantment of cinematic gesture.

Twitter – @bugdavidson
Instagram – @bugdavidson


“Dandy#1” by Bug Davidson

One piece, no frame needed.

8 x 10 inch (h x w)
Embossed Leather on Wood

Artist Statement:

Working with the theme of Home inspired me to make this leather piece I have been thinking about for awhile. The etymology of the word Dandy combined with the leather as material feels inherently queer to me. It can encapsulate various possible feelings about one’s day (in particular in the time of quarantine) and is also inspired by vintage valentines and hanky codes.

Bug Davidson is a motion image artist and film director interested in communicating through visual language intersections of media & representation, social corporeal choreography, acousmata & action, and the enchantment of cinematic gesture.

Purchase the Art


1 in stock

Free delivery inside the contenental US for art purchases. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that Gender Unbound is volunteer-run, we are not offering expidited shipping and are estimating 2-3 weeks for the art to arrive. Please keep this in mind when purchasing.

All tips go directly to the artist. Proceeds from art sales go to Gender Unbound. Please support your favorite trans and intersex creators by tipping them. By purchasing art, you are supporting Gender Unbound, a nonprofit project, and our mission to uplift, support, and advocate for transgender and intersex communities through arts and programming created by transgender and intersex people.

All of the art in this showcase was commissioned and is currently owned by Gender Unbound. Artists were paid for the creation of their work by Gender Unbound and were able to name their own price for the commission of their work within a price range. Purchasing work from this show does NOT transfer any copyrights or reproduction rights to the customer. The artist retains all copyrights to their work and reserves the right to reproduce and sell coppies of their work if they see fit.